The whole idea on this page is to give you the very best information possible without a lot of window dressing. I'll let you know about cool products I test, refer you to the best places to answer your ski tuning and tech questions, and point out where to get great gear. A good place to start is your local ski shop, but it never hurts to do a bit of research before you buy.  -- Jim


SKIWALKING.COM and the American Nordic Walking System is the place to go for the hottest new fitness activity in the country. Can't get to a ski hill? No problem, just grab your SkiWalking fitness poles and head out for a wonderful workout. All fitness poles are not created equal, but the ones from and the American Nordic Walking System are top of the line and custom fitted. (Note: I walk with these poles almost every day. Walking with the poles produce a better workout, and adds to your upper body strength. I've found that extra strength has improved my golf game. I'm less fatigued on the later holes during a round and I've added 10-15 yards of distance to every club. -- Jim)


Tognar Toolworks is the most tremendous source of ski tuning/tech information I've ever found. I buy all my ski tuning gear from their catalog, which has literally thousands of tuning tools, wax, gadgets and gizmos. I highly recommend sending for their catalog and I guarantee you'll have fun reading it even if you never order a thing. In addition to ski tuning tips offered in the catalog, Tognar has a nice website with tuning hints and good links. The best thing about dealing with Tognar is that when you call the shop with an order you get to talk directly to the tech guys, and they always have solid answers to your ski tuning questions.


FIVE COMMON SKI TUNING MYTHS -- Ski tuning isn’t rocket science, and mere mortals can, in fact, learn how to keep their skis in good shape at home. SKI Magazine explains here


 Women can improve their skiing dramatically by using women's ski gear, moving their bindings forward, and properly adjusting their boots. Jeannie Thoren does women's clinics across the country and her website explains her theories. This is a MUST CLICK for women who want to get the most from the skiing experience.


This season is a great time to get your ski boots in shape. Performance Zone is a Michigan business specializing in custom orthotics and stance alignment for all sports -- including skiing. Check them out.